
PRP Face Injection Treatment

Whether looking for a holistic and long-lasting result for skin rejuvenation or to treat your receding hairline, the revolutionary blood concentration treatment that celebrities and wellness experts vouch for is the PRP treatment for its restoration abilities. Whether you’re experiencing receding hairline, dull skin, treating injuries or other health issues, the versatile nature of PRP therapy makes it the most sought-after non-surgical treatment you must consider. 

At Nouveau Aesthetics in Sunrise, Florida, our PRP specialist, Geoffrey, uses state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the right treatment according to your needs. From assessing your health concerns to personalizing your treatment options, our experts are at your service to guide you through each step.

What is PRP Treatment?

In PRP treatment, blood platelets are injected into the skin or scalp to boost cell growth and heal tissues. Our platelets have special growth factors that trigger collagen growth, cellular growth and skin rejuvenation. Hence, their effectiveness is guaranteed.  For the treatment, a specialized team member will draw the required amount of blood between 25 to 30 ml, usually from your arm. The blood sample is spun in a centrifuge to separate the palate from other fluids. The platelet-rich plasma derived from the blood is supplied to the skin. And the beast part- PRP treatment is completely safe and non-invasive.

What is a PRP Face Injection?

PRP face Injection is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure designed to revitalize your skin using your body’s natural healing properties. This non-surgical treatment depends on the power of platelets derived from your blood to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and achieve younger-looking skin. Under the experienced hands of our specialist, the concentrated plasma, rich in growth factors and healing proteins, is injected into targeted areas or your entire face. PRP face injection is your new-age solution if you’re bothered by facial lines, including crow’s feet and smile lines.

What is a PRP Face Injection?

PRP face Injection is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure designed to revitalize your skin using your body’s natural healing properties. This non-surgical treatment depends on the power of platelets derived from your blood to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and achieve younger-looking skin. Under the experienced hands of our specialist, the concentrated plasma, rich in growth factors and healing proteins, is injected into targeted areas or your entire face. PRP face injection is your new-age solution if you’re bothered by facial lines, including crow’s feet and smile lines.

What is a PRP Hair Injection?

Hair loss isn’t subjective to gender. Both men and women are troubled by bald spots and premature thinning of hair. The cell growth properties of PRP make it a promising solution to cure balding and trigger hair follicle growth. The PRP hair injection, when injected into the area of the scalp where hair thinning or hair loss is prevalent, restores natural hair growth and increases hair count.

Benefits of PRP Treatment

  • Enhances skin texture and tone for a youthful appearance.
  • Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Increases collagen production for firmer, smoother skin.
  • Improves overall skin health and radiance.
  • Safe and effective for facial rejuvenation with minimal downtime.
  • Long-lasting results without surgery.
  • Stimulates hair follicle growth for thicker, fuller hair.
  • Improves scalp health for better hair quality.
  • Boosts confidence with natural-looking results.

Level Up Your Self-Care With Us

At Nouveau Aesthetics, led by nurse practitioner Geoffrey Firmin, we are eager to assist you in finding the right treatment and customizing a plan to enhance your skincare and well-being. We look forward to being your partner in the journey to beauty and wellness goals.